Traduction de "donne ça" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Donne ça à maman.
Give that to Mama.
Donne ça à Lacey.
Give that to Lacey.
Donne ça à Vanessa.
Give that to Vanessa.
Donne ça à Bill.
Give that to Bill.
Donne ça à Kiki.
Give that to Kiki.
Hé, donne ça..
Hey, give that--
Moins vite. - Donne ça.
- Give that here.
Donne ça à Nanny.
Give that to Nanny.
Donne ça...oh!
Give that... oh!
Donne ça, camarade !
Give it here, comrade!
Donne ça, Pierce !
Give it, Pierce!
Non, donne ça.
No, give it!
Donne ça, l'avorton.
- Give it here, midget.
- Donne ça vite.
- Give it here. Quick!
Donne ça, Malefoy.
Give it here, Malfoy.
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