Traduction de "a pu se" à anglaise
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Néanmoins, le péage a pu influencer le choix des destinations en cas de déplacements libres, par exemple pour faire des achats.
Nevertheless, there could have been some shifts in destination choices connected with discretionary travel purposes such as shopping, as a result of the toll ring.
Il a donc du mal à comprendre comment le dépassement au titre des voyages a pu être aussi élevé.
The Committee therefore finds it difficult to understand how the travel overruns could have been incurred to such a degree.
À ce titre, il a pu avoir de nombreux contacts avec des représentants officiels et des membres du Secrétariat de l'ONU.
As a member of that Committee, he could have many contacts with official delegates and members of the United Nations Secretariat.
Dans ces conditions, le Comité est d'avis que le nom du requérant a pu être enregistré par les autorités iraniennes.
Under these circumstances, the Committee considers that the complainant's name could have been identified by the Iranian authorities.
Cette remarque incite à demander comment on a pu en arriver à une telle situation.
That remark prompted the question of how a situation of that kind could have come about.
L'auteur affirme que par conséquent son neveu n'a pu se prévaloir d'aucun recours juridique utile.
Thereby, the author claims that Mr. Rastorguev had no effective legal remedy of which he could have availed himself.
Parallèlement, l'absence de condamnation claire au sein même de l'armée a pu permettre que de telles violations soient commises.
At the same time, the lack of any clear message from the army itself rejecting such a practice could have permitted such violations to persist.
Sa délégation ne peut pas comprendre comment une telle erreur a pu être commise.
Her delegation could not understand how such a mistake could have been made.
Millie Russell a pu se gaver une nuit de plus.
Millie Russell was able to indulge in another night of midnight binging.
Jocelyne Fairchild a pu se cacher du Cercle pendant 18 ans.
Jocelyn Fairchild was able to hide from the Circle for 18 years.
Harry Simpkins a pu se libérer.
Darling. Darling, Harry Sempkin was able to drop in for a moment.
Entretemps, Alf a pu se libérer et...
Änd you see, what happened is Älf was able to free up his schedule, and, well, they want--
- Elle a pu se connecter à son Lion.
-She was able to connect with her lion.
La Solar State Insurance a pu se l'offrir.
Solar State Insurance was able to afford it.
Elle a pu se débrouiller ?
She was able to get by?
Il a pu se rappeler toutes les 100.
He was able to remember all 100 of them.
Hitler a pu se concentrer sur l'ouest.
Hitler was able to concentrate on the West.
Au chômage, mon pere a pu se consacrer a sa passion, le foot.
Unemployed, my father was able to pursue his passion, football.
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