Traduction de "varhaisperuna" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Yleisimmät lajikkeet olivat suositut ruokaperunalajikkeet Van Gogh, Nicola ja varhaisperuna Hankkijan Timo.
The most common varieties were the popular food potato varieties Van Gogh, Nicola and the early potato Hankkija’s Timo.
Asiasanat maatalous, tuotteet, maataloustuotteet, hinnat, tuottajahinnat, maito, naudanliha, sianliha, broilerinliha, kalkkunanliha, lampaanliha, kananmunat, vilja, vehnä, ruis, ohra, mallasohra, rehuohra, kaura, rypsi, rapsi, ruokaperuna, varhaisperuna
agriculture, products, agricultural products, prices, producer prices, milk, beef, pork, poultry, turkeymeat, mutton, eggs, cereals, wheat, rye, barley, malting barley, feed barley, oats, turnip rape, rape, food potato, early potato
Rocketia aikaisempi varhaisperuna on Swift.
One of the early vacuum greases is the Ramsay grease.
Perunoita on monenlaisia, ja tavallisin on oletettavasti varhaisperuna, jota saadaan varhain kesällä.
There are several different kinds of potatoes: the most appreciated is the new potato, a potato which ripens in early summer, and is enjoyed at the traditional midsummer feast.
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