Traduction de "panpsykismi" à anglaise
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Vaikka puhdas idealismi, kuten esimerkiksi George Berkeleyn subjektiivinen idealismi, on harvinainen nykyaikaisessa länsimaisessa filosofiassa, jotkut filosofit, kuten William Seager, ovat kannattaneet sen hienostuneempaa muotoa, panpsykismiä. Sen mukaan henkiset kokemukset ja ominaisuudet ovat fysikaalisten kokemusten ja ominaisuuksien perustana.[23
Although pure idealism, such as that of George Berkeley, is uncommon in contemporary Western philosophy, a more sophisticated variant called panpsychism, according to which mental experience and properties may be at the foundation of physical experience and properties, has been espoused by some philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead[54
1800-luvulla panpsykismi oli yksi suosituimmista mielenfilosofisista teorioista, mutta sen suosio väheni 1900-luvulla loogisen positivismin nousun myötä.
During the 19th century, panpsychism was the default theory in philosophy of mind, but it saw a decline during the middle years of the 20th century with the rise of logical positivism.
Vaikka puhdas idealismi, kuten esimerkiksi George Berkeleyn subjektiivinen idealismi, on harvinainen nykyaikaisessa länsimaisessa filosofiassa, jotkut filosofit, kuten William Seager, ovat kannattaneet sen hienostuneempaa muotoa, panpsykismiä.
Although pure idealism, such as that of George Berkeley, is uncommon in contemporary Western philosophy, a more sophisticated variant called panpsychism, according to which mental experience and properties may be at the foundation of physical experience and properties, has been espoused by some philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead and David Ray Griffin.
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