Traduction de "mahdollisuuta" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Matkailulinjalla on mahdollisu
In the tourist line, one has the opportunity to attend courses related to tourism in the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences.
Ilman tasa-arvoa ja yhtäläisiä mahdollisuuksi
This would not have been possible without equal opportunities.
Wärtsilä tukee tasavertaisia mahdollisuuksi
Wärtsilä fosters equal opportunity and employees are selected and treated on the basis of their abilities and merits.
Takaa, että olet jatkuvasti huolimaton mahdollisu
Guarantee that you continuously untick opportunities together with mysterious additional programs.
Parhaassa tapauksessa se luo mahdollisuu
In the best cases, it creates opportunities which promote something different, new and previously unidentified.
Mutta löydät myös mahdollisu
But you will also find the opportunity to receive alerts when new moles are available so as not to miss a single minute of ultimate happiness!
hetkellä useimmissa Intian kaupungeissa ei ole mahdollisuu...
Currently in most Indian cities do not have opportunities to identify dangerous s...
Keinoälyn suurin uhka on jättää sen tarjoamat mahdollisu
The biggest threat of AI is failing to use its opportunities
HALion 5 tarjoaa live muusikoiden mahdollisu
HALion 5 gives live musicians the opportunity to tweak sounds on stage ever faster than before, and create song chains by switching Multis.
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