Traduction de "kiihotin" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Mutta jokainen tällainen voitto, olkoonpa se sitte palkankorotus, työajan lyhennys, nuorten lasten työn kiertäminen, terveydenhoitoa tarkoittava toimenpide tai muuta sellaista, antaa uutta vauhtia taloudelliselle kehitykselle, esim. siten, että se kiihottaa kapitalistia
But each of their successes, be it the raising of wages, the shortening of hours, the prohibition of child labor, the establishment of sanitary regulations, gives a new impulse to the economic development. For example it may have caused the capitalist to replace the dearer labor with machinery, or it may have forced up his payroll and thereby rendered the competitive struggle harder for the small capitalist, shortened his economic existence and hastened the concentration of capital. Accordingly, however justifiable, or even necessary, it may be for the workmen to establish labor organizations to better their condition by lowering the hours of work and securing other equally wholesome changes, it would be a profound error to imagine that such reforms could delay the social revolution.
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