Traduction de "gyromagneettinen" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Tässä lausekkeessa tunnettu keskuudessa nimellä "Equation yksi", h on Planckin vakio, G tarkoittaa gyromagneettinen suhde, μ on Bohr Magneton (niin että g μ on, jopa numeerinen kerroin, magneettin
In this expression, known among practitioners by the name “Equation One,” ħ is the Planck’s constant, g stands for the gyromagnetic ratio, μ is the Bohr magneton (so that gμ is, up to a numerical factor, the magnetic moment associated with one spin), N is the number of spins involved in the measurement, t is the spin-relaxation time, and T is the total measurement time, assumed here to be longer than t. Thus, given particular kinds of spins (atoms), the figure-of-merit for a magnetometer is (Nt)1/2, so that optimization and design of new magnetometer schemes often revolves around finding ways to simultaneously increase the number of spins and their relaxation time.
Ydinten prekessiota kutsutaan Larmorin prekessioksi ja se tapahtuu kulmataajuudella ω = − γ B 0 {\displaystyle \omega =-\gamma B_{0}} ω: Larmorin kulmataajuus (rad s-1) γ: gyromagneettinen suhde (rad s-1 T-1) B0: magneettikenttä (T) ω etumerkki kertoo prekessiosuunnan.
The precession frequency is known as the Larmor frequency ωL. ω L = − γ B 0 {\displaystyle \omega _{L}=-\gamma B_{0}} where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and B0 the magnetic field.
Jos kappaleen sähkövaraus ja massa ovat samalla tavoin jakautuneet, (esimerkiksi tasaisesti) niin kappaleen gyromagneettinen suhde voidaan laskea yhtälöllä γ = q 2 m {\displaystyle \gamma ={\frac {q}{2m}}} , missä q {\displaystyle \scriptstyle q} on varaus ja m {\displaystyle \scriptstyle m} massa.
It can be shown that as long as its charge and mass are distributed identically (e.g., both distributed uniformly), its gyromagnetic ratio is γ = q 2 m {\displaystyle \gamma ={\frac {q}{2m}}} where q is its charge and m is its mass.
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