Traduction de "yo solos" à anglaise
Yo solos
Exemples de traduction
- ¿Tú y yo solos?
You and I alone?
Ya sabes, tú y yo solos.
You know, you and I alone.
Quizá la Sra. Zubrovnik y yo solas...
Well, then perhaps Madam Zubrovnik and I, alone, could...
Cenaremos tú y yo sólos.
For dinner, you and I alone.
¡Sólo tú y yo solos, felices!
Only you and I alone, happy together!
Tú y yo, solos, tú sabes, como...
Just you and I, alone, you know, like...
Tú y yo solos en una bonita cabaña.
Just you and I alone in a sweet little cottage.
Nuestra prisión alejada del mundo, : Tú y yo, solos.
Our little prison from the world, you and I, alone.
Tú y yo ... Soles Establecer
You and I... alone... together.
Tú y yo solos en la oscuridad.
You and I alone in the dark.
El sahib y yo, solos entre asesinos.
The sahib and I alone with murderers;
–¿Podemos llegar a ese campamento tú y yo solos?
Can you and I, alone, reach his camp?
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