Traduction de "yo había escrito" à anglaise
Yo había escrito
  • i had written
Exemples de traduction
i had written
Las novelas románticas estaban de moda. Y yo había escrito docenas de ellas.
Gothic romances were extremely popular, and I had written dozens.
Terminamos la historia y no funcionó, y yo había escrito muchas cosas para que funcionara, pero dije, "O se hace como digo o me voy", y me fui al día siguiente.
We finished the movie and it didn't work. And I had written a whole bunch of stuff to make it work, but I said, "Hey, it's either my way or the highway," and I got on the highway the next day.
Y despues de que yo habia escrito, ¿por que molestarse leer 'Como ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas "?
And after I had written it, why should you bother to read 'How To Win Friends And Influence People'?"
Cuando yo le dije que él había herido su dedo pulgar y que yo había escrito... la carta para él, usted dijo afligido a mí
When I told you that he had hurt his thumb and that I had written... the letter for him, you said sorry to me
"Escuché el discurso de Byrnes de Stuttgart con notable aprobación, proque de hecho yo había escrito la mayor parte y yo -- aquellos de nosotros que trabajamos en él, y Byrnes, no estábamos pensando en términos anti-soviéticos."
"I listened to the Byrnes Stuttgart speech with marked approval, because in fact I had written most of it, and I -- those of us who worked on it, and Byrnes, were not thinking in anti-Soviet terms."
Yo había escrito sobre Mark Foley en 2003.
Que yo había escrito originalmente.
I had written originally.
Una cumbia que yo había escrito...
A cumbia I had written...
Yo había escrito que "Quiero deshacerme de ti".
I had written that I want to get rid of you.
Yo había escrito un discurso sobre mi padre... grupo de estereotipos acerca de lo gran doctor que es, lo gran humanitario y no me malinterpreten eso es muy cierto.
I had written a speech about my dad... um, bunch of clichés about how great of a doctor he is, how great of a humanitarian, and don't get me wrong, that's very true.
Era donde yo había escrito «973».
It was the one I had written 973 on.
Debajo yo había escrito fragmento.
Beneath it I had written fragment.
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