Traduction de "y el dice" à anglaise
Y el dice
Exemples de traduction
- Y el dice...
- And he's say...
Y el dice, "bien, ellos estan preocupados que...
And he says, "Well, they are concerned that...
Y el dice, "tengo el dentrifico en tu casa."
And he says, 'I've had the toothpaste in your house.'
y el dice si, "si, pero ud entiende.
And he says, "Yeah, but you understand.
Y el dice que usted amenazo con envenenarlo.
And he says you threatened to poison him.
y el dice, "estás chiflado.
And he says, "you're nutty.
Y el dice que estuviste en su casa.
- And he says you were in his house.
- Y el dice, como en Plaza Sesamo?
- And he says, "Like Sesame Street?"
Y el dice que el Kung Fu es grandioso.
And he says kung fu is great!
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