Traduction de "visivo" à anglaise
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Pero no pensaba en ello como en algo real, seguía tan sólo en la fase visiva, cualquier contacto intencionado o consciente me parecía un imposible.
But I wasn’t thinking of that desire as a real thing, it was still in the realm of the purely visual, any intended or conscious contact seemed to me an impossibility.
Fra qualche minuto manderemo il nostro elicottero a compiere un giro di perlustrazione visiva di quella che sappiamo che era la rotta prevista.
We’re sending out our chopper in a few minutes to visually search what we know to be the flight path.
«L’ultimo elenco che ho visto era su Artnet, sulla Terra, solo pochi anni fa, ed era diviso in Architettura, Musica, Arti visive...
The last list I saw – it was on the Earth Artnet only a few years ago – was divided into Architecture, Music, Visual Arts...
Con lo scafo e la sovrastruttura zeppi di materiale radar-assorbente, una nave di passaggio sarebbe dovuta essere nel suo campo visivo per individuarla.
With her hull and superstructure doped with radar–absorbent material, a passing ship would almost need to be in visual range to detect her.
Purtroppo c’era ben poco materiale visivo originale che la illustrasse: si doveva far affidamento soprattutto su effetti speciali e sulle ricostruzioni effettuate in seguito sulla base di ricognizioni fotografiche eseguite a distanza.
Unfortunately, there was very little authentic visual material to illustrate it: the program had to rely largely on special effects and intelligent reconstruction from later, long-range photo-surveys.
El ojo de Muriel se posó con incredulidad en los míos y relampagueó con alarma, como si se le acabara de representar una escena que no estaba más que a su alcance, quizá porque ya la había visto en su vida, quizá porque su imaginación visiva llegaba más lejos que la de los demás.
Muriel’s one eye rested with a look of alarm and incredulity on my two eyes, as if I had just acted a scene only he could understand, perhaps because he already knew it, perhaps because he had a more penetrating visual imagination than most.
Ahora la niña seguía divirtiéndose de aquí para allá, pero en cada espacio se paraba a comprobar, con disimulo, si Tom Nevinson, o era David Cromer-Fytton, continuaba rindiéndole su simpático homenaje visivo o ya se había cansado y desentendido.
Claire continued to rush here and there, but in each room, she would stop to check out of the corner of her eye if Tom Nevinson – or was he David Cromer-Fytton? – was still paying his kindly visual homage to her or if he had grown tired and bored.
Ma al primo volo, alla vertiginosa altitudine di cinquanta metri, non godette di distrazioni visive. Certo, una caduta da un’altitudine equivalente di cinque metri nella gravità terrestre dieci volte più pesante avrebbe potuto spezzare l’osso del collo di chiunque;
But on this first flight, at the dizzy altitude of fifty meters, there were no visual distractions, Of course, a fall from the equivalent altitude of five meters in the ten-fold greater Earth gravity could break one's neck;
Tenía que conseguir que reparara en mi deseo, que iba en aumento (ese es siempre el primer y necesario paso, que el otro lo advierta, y en ocasiones es también el último, el desencadenante), hasta el punto de que empezaba a no conformarme con la fase visiva y a imaginarme posibilidades, y a escucharla con desconsideración, como quien atraviesa un trámite.
I needed to get her to notice my desire, which was still on the increase (that’s always the first and most necessary step, to get the other person to notice, and sometimes it’s also the last step, the trigger), to the point where I was beginning not to feel contented with the purely visual phase, with imagining possibilities, and was now paying less attention to what she was saying, like someone who has crossed a line.
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