Traduction de "uno vino" à anglaise
Uno vino
Exemples de traduction
Uno vino a casa en un ataúd.
One came home in a coffin.
Habia cientos de juegos coloridos, peculiares, de Spectrum Pero solo uno vino realmente a simbolizar la era.
There were hundreds of colourful, quirky Spectrum games, but only one came to truly symbolise the era.
Uno vino para bautizar por agua.
One came to baptise by water.
Entonces... uno vino con un cuchillo... y nos soltó, y tan pronto como me sentí libre... ni siquiera pensé... fue como si mis piernas se hicieran cargo... y vi la ventana y sólo me estrellé contra ella.
So, um... one came over with a knife and cut us loose, and as soon as I felt myself free, I didn't even think... it was like my legs just took over, and I saw the window and I just crashed through it.
Uno vino de un cuarto contiguo, que parecía todo embaldosado.
One came from an adjoining room that appeared to be completely tiled.
Uno vino al club anoche preguntando por ti.
One came to the club last night asking about you.
Sí, inmediatamente después del accidente uno vino a casa.
Yeah, right after the accident one came to the house.
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