Traduction de "tomado a mano" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Cebes titubeó, pero el niño le había tomado la mano.
Kebes paused; but the boy had taken his hand.
Hermione le había tomado la mano nuevamente, apretándola fuertemente.
Hermione had taken his hand again and was gripping it tightly.
Ève le había tomado la mano y lo observaba con expresión divertida.
She had taken his hand and was watching him in apparent amusement.
Si Juan me hubiera tomado la mano, lo más probable es que no estaríamos hablando.
If Juan had taken my hand, Leo and I probably wouldn’t be talking.
Y antes de presentir lo que se disponía a hacer, ya había tomado mi mano y besado el dorso.
And before I knew he was going to do it, he had taken my hand and kissed the back of it.
Fiona presintió que Katie, o Roberta, o quizá las dos, le habían tomado la mano.
She went quiet, and Fiona knew that either Katie or Roberta—or both—had taken her hand.
Le habría tomado la mano, pero ella la retiró, intentando hacer que el gesto pareciera puramente casual—.
He might have taken her hand, but she drew back, trying to make the movement appear purely coincidental.
La rubia alta se había sentado junto a la muchacha asustada y le había tomado la mano, y parecía acariciarla.
The big blonde had sat herself down beside the frightened girl and had taken her hand, seemed to be stroking it.
Adam no había recurrido a tópicos ni a mentiras, solo había tomado su mano entre las suyas y la había sostenido durante un largo rato.
Being Adam, he had not resorted to platitudes or lies, but had only taken her hand in his and held it for a long time.
Él asintió, y antes de que Nova pudiera advertir lo que estaba sucediendo, le había tomado la mano y comenzado a abrirle los dedos.
He nodded and, before Nova realized what was happening, he had taken her hand and started peeling open her fingers.
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