Traduction de "tiene de are" à anglaise
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Se han logrado avances en áreas esenciales.
We have achieved progress in essential areas.
Un compromiso prolongado nos ha beneficiado en las áreas más importantes.
We have gained on the major substantive areas through a prolonged engagement.
iii) Una descripción de los métodos utilizados para identificar y liberar estas áreas, así como de las áreas que han sido sometidas a reconocimiento y limpiadas.
(iii) A description of the methods that have been used to identify and release these areas, and of the areas that have been surveyed and cleared.
Existen considerables áreas despejadas y certificadas.
Considerable areas have been cleared and certified.
Se ha priorizado la inversión social en cuatro áreas.
Four areas of social investment have been prioritized.
Una de las áreas que más transformaciones sufrió fue la seguridad pública.
One of the areas to have undergone the most changes is that of public security.
Los logros alcanzados en algunas áreas dan fe de ello.
The achievements that we have seen in these areas bear this out.
What are we having?
What are we having?
“What are you having?”
“What are you having?”
Are you having an affair?
Are you having an affair?
—Se me respeta en áreas civiles y económicas.
I have influence in social and economic spheres.
We are having bad luck.
“We are having bad luck.
“Why are we having a storm?”
“Why are we having a storm?”
Áreas que hasta entonces fueron dominio de los ciegos.
Areas that have been, till now, the country of the blind.
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