Traduction de "su proceder" à anglaise
Su proceder
  • its proceed
  • his conduct
Exemples de traduction
his conduct
y para juzgar al mencionado teniente por su proceder en tal ocasión".
commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh and to try the said Lieutenant William Bligh for his conduct on that occasion.
Mira a la mujer de mi padre, ¿la has visto algún día oponerse a su proceder...?
"Look at my father's wife. Have you ever seen her object to his conduct?
– Comprendo que estés cansada, pero el vizconde Trencavel considera importante que no pueda haber críticas justificadas de su proceder, ni de la conducta de sus allegados más directos, en un momento como éste.
I know you must be weary, but Viscount Trencavel believes it important that no just criticism could be made of his conduct-and that of those closest to him-at this time.
En aquella relajación de la fibra moral, que se produce frecuentemente en el éxtasis de 'la vanidad halagada, el teniente Feraud había consentido en revisar íntimamente el caso, y así llegó hasta el extremo de dudar, si no de la justicia de su causa, por lo menas de la absoluta cordura de su proceder.
In that relaxation of moral fibre, which is brought about by the ease of soothed vanity, Lieut. Feraud had condescended in the secret of his heart to review the case, and even had come to doubt not the justice of his cause, but the absolute sagacity of his conduct.
Una y otra vez, declaró, con la suficiencia de una profetisa, que su marido tendría que arrepentirse amargamente de su proceder; por eso, al verle tan indiferente ante la agitación que reinaba en su sociedad, sentía un intenso desasosiego, y cuando todas sus dificultades iban a quedar felizmente resueltas, tampoco le era posible darse por plenamente satisfecha.
She had again and again declared, with the assurance of a prophetess, that her husband would have to repent bitterly of his conduct, so when she saw how unmoved Paresh Babu was by the agitation which was going on all round him in their society, she felt an intense inward impatience, and now when all their difficulties seemed to be about to be nicely settled she could not feel pure unmixed delight.
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