Traduction de "sonriendo a" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
En mi país hay un dicho, que cuando cinco hermanos entran a una habitación para decirse verdades y salen sonriendo, eso significa que no han dicho la verdad.
In my place, we have a saying that when five siblings go into a room to speak truthfully to each other and they come out smiling, it means that they have not told the truth.
Multitudes de niños y adultos bordean las carreteras para mirar los convoyes de urnas cuando viajan al atardecer, saludando y sonriendo".
Crowds of children and adults line the roadways to watch the ballot box convoys on their trips in the evenings, waving and smiling.
Mientras esperaba en una de las salas de la comisaría, un agente que se encontraba en ella le dijo sonriendo que su "tradición familiar era matar gente".
While he was waiting in one of the rooms of the police station, an officer present in the same room told him with a smile that his "family tradition was to kill people".
Cambiemos todos los días algo de nuestras vidas, empezando por pequeños pasos, pensando en nuestros actos, sonriendo sinceramente a alguien, diciendo —o reservándonos— la palabra que puede cambiar el día de alguien.
Let us change something in our lives every day, starting with small steps, thinking about our actions, giving someone an unexpected smile from the heart, saying — or withholding — the one word that can change someone's day.
¿Me está sonriendo a mí, o yo le estoy sonriendo a usted?
Are you smiling at me, or am I smiling at you?
- Sonriendo a ella ...
- Smiling at her...
¿Me está sonriendo a mí?
Is he smiling at me?
Me estaba sonriendo a mí.
She was smiling at me.
Está sonriendo a Derek Morgan.
He is smiling at derek morgan.
Está sonriendo a mí.
It's smiling at me.
Él está sonriendo a mí.
He's smiling at me.
Ahora él está sonriendo a algo.
Now he's smiling at something.
No os estoy sonriendo a vosotros.
I'm not smiling at you.
Hablaba sonriendo con uno, hablaba sonriendo con otro.
Smiling she talked to one man, smiling she talked to another.
Henry tiene un poco. Está sonriendosonriendo… Ama por aquí.
Henry's having some. He's smiling ... smiling ... Love this.
Nos estaba sonriendo.
It was smiling at us.
Y de que estaba sonriendo.
And he was smiling.
Y no estaba sonriendo.
And she was not smiling.
Y estaban sonriendo.
And they were smiling.
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