Traduction de "se supo" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Durante el transcurso del estudio se supo que los Estados Unidos de América habían propuesto un concepto similar en los años sesenta.
During the course of the study it became known that the US had postulated a similar concept in the 1960's.
Posteriormente se supo que de los cuatro prisioneros uno había muerto y otro había sido puesto en libertad tiempo atrás.
Subsequently it became known that of the four prisoners, one had died and another had been freed some time ago.
En el mismo período, los LTTE liberaron oficialmente a 91 niños y se supo que otros 25 habían escapado o huido.
During the same period, LTTE officially released 91 children and another 25 children are known to have escaped or run away.
En cada uno de esos casos, la reclamación internacional se desestimó o retiró cuando se supo que la reclamación se estaba presentando en nombre del nacional de un Estado distinto del Estado reclamante.
In each of these cases, the international claim was dismissed or withdrawn when it became known that the claim was being asserted on behalf of a national of a State other than the claimant State.
Además, se supo entonces que las mujeres eran menos que los hombres entre los funcionarios regionales con título de veterinario que estaban trabajando.
Furthermore, it was known at the time that there were fewer women than men working as regional veterinary officers.
Ha quedado demostrado que ni la Secretaría ni el Consejo de Seguridad hicieron lo necesario para prevenir el genocidio o para detenerlo cuando se supo que estaba ocurriendo.
Failure by both the Secretariat and the Security Council to prevent or halt the genocide once its extent became known has been documented.
En ese momento, se supo que cinco prisioneros políticos habían rechazado la oferta de libertad, bajo esas condiciones.
At that time, five political prisoners were known to have refused the offer of such a conditional release.
No se supo de ninguna medida correctiva que se hubiera adoptado al respecto.
No known corrective actions were taken.
Nunca se supo de nadie que pudiera cobrar deuda alguna a los que están muertos.
No one is known to have succeeded in getting their money back from the dead.
Debido a que no se supo el momento del aterrizaje en Split hasta después de que se produjera, no se pudo realizar ninguna inspección en el hospital de Split.
Because the Split landing time was not known until after it happened, no inspection was possible at the Split hospital.
y nada más se supo de él.
and no more is known of him.
¿Cuándo se supo todo esto?
When was this known?
¿Se supo de inmediato?
Was it known immediately?
—Han lo supo siempre.
“Han’s always known.
Lo supo todo el tiempo.
She's known all along.
Lo supo desde el principio.
She’d known it from the start.
Y de pronto lo supo.
And suddenly, she had known.
Pero eso no lo supo Rebus.
But Rebus hadn't known that at the time.
Pero Hans nunca lo supo.
But Hans had not known.
Matrona nunca lo supo.
Matrona had never known.
En seguida se supo en el barrio y luego en la ciudad.
It became known in the neighbourhood and then in the whole town.
Desde que se supo que tenía ese poder, se levantó a su alrededor un muro que la aisló de la gente.
Once it became known that she possessed this power, a wall went up round about her that isolated her from people.
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