Traduction de "salieron al" à anglaise
Salieron al
Exemples de traduction
Por último, los secesionistas fueron derrotados en julio de 1994 y salieron al exilio.
Finally, the secessionists were defeated in July 1994 and went into exile.
Cuando salieron, vieron sangre junto a la puerta, pero ningún cadáver.
When they went out, they saw blood just outside the gate but no body.
En 2002 salieron de Tayikistán para trabajos de temporada 206.700 personas.
Some 206,700 people went abroad in 2002 in search of seasonal work.
En Tel Rumeideh, las mujeres y los niños salieron a la calle a buscar agua.
In Tel Rumeideh, women and children went out to the street to get water.
6. En 1986, 16.456 habitantes de Sri Lanka salieron del país por motivos laborales.
6. In the year 1986, 16,456 Sri Lankans went abroad for employment.
Las FDI les ordenaron que abandonaran la casa y salieron al exterior.
They were told to leave their house by the IDF and so they went outside.
Además, los que estaban en el Departamento de Bienestar Nacional y en el Sudán nunca salieron al extranjero.
In addition, those who were in the Department of National Welfare and in the Sudan never went abroad.
Salieron del Pakistán y fueron a Suiza, donde solicitaron asilo inmediatamente después de su llegada en 1995.
They left Pakistan and went to Switzerland where they applied for asylum immediately upon arrival in 1995.
A continuación los clientes salieron del bar, cogieron el equipaje y se fueron sin pagar la nota del alojamiento.
Thereafter they left the bar, collected their luggage and went without paying their account for the accommodation.
Salieron a la calle.
They went into the street.
Salieron al pasillo.
They went into the corridor.
Salieron al vestíbulo.
They went into the hallway.
Los Carslake salieron.
The Carslakes went out.
Salieron al césped.
They went out on to the lawn.
Las mujeres salieron.
The women went out.
Obedecí y salieron.
I did that, and they went.
Salieron a la escalinata.
            They went out on to the porch.
Salieron a la noche.
They went out into the night.
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