Traduction de "rutinas diarias" à anglaise
Rutinas diarias
Exemples de traduction
Los autores de esas cartas amenazan a los receptores y a sus hijos con un lenguaje que sugiere que conocen la rutina diaria de éstos y de sus familiares.
The authors of these letters threaten the recipients and their children with language that suggests that they know the daily routine of the recipients and their families.
Se procura mantener la rutina diaria de los detenidos.
Efforts are made to preserve the detainee's regular daily routine.
Las medidas requeridas para restablecer la rutina diaria en las escuelas, incluyendo ejemplos de prácticas óptimas; y
Measures that are needed to re-establish daily routines in schooling, including examples of best practices; and
Los familiares reciben igualmente requisas humillantes y vejatorias; las golpizas y apaleamientos son parte de la rutina diaria".
Their relatives are also subjected to humiliating and degrading searches; beatings and canings are a daily routine.
También hay una biblioteca y espacios de uso común para fines múltiples, y se ofrecen actividades variadas para llenar la rutina diaria.
Also a library, and multi-purpose areas are available, and the daily routine can be filled with a variety of activities.
139. Mantenimiento de la rutina diaria.
139. Preservation of daily routine.
Los estudiantes siguen una disciplinada rutina diaria que incluye plegarias, ejercicios, estudios y recreación.
They follow a disciplined daily routine that includes prayers, exercises, study and recreation.
Ambos evitaron responder a mi pregunta relativa a su rutina diaria.
They both avoided answering my question concerning their daily routine.
La conferencia tuvo por objeto estudiar la posibilidad de establecer asociaciones y examinar otros medios de incorporar la Convención a las rutinas diarias.
The conference was designed to explore partnerships and other means of making the Convention part of daily routines.
Número 28, rutina diaria.
Number 28, daily routine.
Así que ésas es nuestra rutina diaria.
So that's our daily routine.
Miremos su rutina diaria de trabajo.
Watch his daily routine work.
Nuestra rutina diaria era:
Our daily routine was this:
¿Cómo era la rutina diaria?
- What was her daily routine?
Parte de la rutina diaria.
More part of the daily routine.
Piense en su rutina diaria.
Think about your daily routine.
Se estableció una rutina diaria.
A daily routine was established.
Mirad nuestra rutina diaria.
I mean, look at our daily routine.
Es uno de mis mantras de la rutina diaria. —Rutina diaria. —Me gusta la rutina.
One of my mantras for the daily routine.” “Daily routine.” “I like routine.”
El inicio de la rutina diaria.
The start of the daily routine.
Rompa con su rutina diaria.
Break up your daily routine.
Era la rutina diaria, pero este invitado era diferente.
It was a daily routine, but this guest was different. . . .
Tengo una rutina diaria, piensa.
I have a daily routine, he thinks.
En cualquier caupona ésa era la rutina diaria.
In any caupona it was daily routine.
   Había establecido una rutina diaria con Clarissa.
He had established a daily routine with Clarissa.
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