Traduction de "renee siempre" à anglaise
Renee siempre
  • always renee
  • renee always
Exemples de traduction
renee always
Renee siempre gana dinero.
Renee always makes money.
Renée siempre permanecía allí imperturbable, con los labios ligeramente separados en una sonrisa enigmática.
Renee always stood there imperturbable, her lips faintly parted in an enigmatic smile.
Max caminó ante las barras repletas de clientes: Olympus, Café Manet, Nate’s Deli, China Town, The Italian Eatery, preguntándose cuál habría escogido Renee, siempre tan fina para comer.
Max walked past the food counters lined with customers: Olympus, Cafe Manet, Nate's Deli, China Town, the Italian Eatery, wondering which one would appeal to Renee, always a finicky eater.
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