Traduction de "reconocerse" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
recognize oneself
Desde allí se le puede abrir una rendija hacia lo que es para el hombre la busca de un camino de salida de la zozobra de vivir: invertirse a sí mismo en las cosas, reconocerse en los signos, transformar el mundo en un conjunto de símbolos, casi un primer albor de la cultura en la larga noche biológica.
From it he can have a glimpse of what for man is the search for an escape from the dismay of living: investing oneself in things, recognizing oneself in signs, transforming the world into a collection of symbols; a first daybreak of culture in the long biological night.
Por lo tanto, esos ingresos deben reconocerse en ese ejercicio".
Such income should accordingly be recognized in that period".
Debe reconocerse esta acción local.
This local action needs to be recognized.
Debe reconocerse la magnitud del problema.
The magnitude of the problem had to be recognized.
Debería reconocerse y promoverse la creatividad;
Creativity should be recognized and promoted;
Estos periodos deben reconocerse como contributivos.
These periods should be recognized as contributive.
Esos logros deben reconocerse y son dignos de encomio.
This must be recognized and commended.
Debe reconocerse una provisión cuando:
8.1 A provision should be recognized when:
No podría reconocerse... y ser movido a la pena.
It would not have recognized itself... and been moved to grief.
Necesito un objeto, algo que pueda reconocerse fácilmente como propiedad de Rose.
I need an item, something that will be widely recognized as belonging to Rose.
Eso significa que pueden reconocerse a sí mismos en el espejo.
That means that they can recognize themselves in the mirror.
Los golpearé tan fuerte... ¡Qué no serán capaz de reconocerse unos a otros!
I'll beat them so badly they won't be able to recognize each other!
¿Reconocerse el uno al otro en la oscuridad tiene que ver con el amor?
What does recognizing each other in the darkness have to do with love ?
Si no puede reconocerse, no podremos chantajearlo.
If we can't recognize him, we can't blackmail him.
¿Cómo cree que una relación amorosa como ésa podría reconocerse?
How do you think a love relationship like that could be recognized?
Aprenden a reconocerse, como yo y usted.
They learn to recognize each other as I did you.
Las parejas tenían los ojos vendados y tenían que reconocerse tocándose.
Couples have their eyes hidden under a material, and they've to recognize themselves by touching.
Comienzan a reconocerse.
They start to recognize each other.
Apenas puede reconocerse.
He hardly recognizes himself.
Él, Pierce, había dejado de reconocerse.
He had ceased to recognize himself.
A Thrall le costó reconocerse.
Thrall almost did not recognize himself.
Era como si ya no fueran capaces de reconocerse.
It was as if they did not recognize each other anymore.
Alex apenas podía reconocerse.
Alex barely recognized himself.
Pero la verdad era que ¿cómo iba a reconocerse?
But then, how would she recognize herself?
En esto podían reconocerse las enseñanzas de su padre.
In that I could recognize the teachings of her father.
No es posible recompensarse a uno mismo o reconocerse a uno mismo.
It is not possible to reward or recognize yourself.
Nunca podrá reconocerse en su acto.
He could never recognize himself in his action.
Miró su imagen para intentar reconocerse.
She peered into her look, trying to recognize herself.
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