Traduction de "re y es" à anglaise
Re y es
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¿Sabéis, rey, que Yennefer re sultó muerta?
Did you know, O king, that Yennefer met her death?
Después de la trágica muerte del re y Vizimir, reina el caos allí.
After the tragic death of King Vizimir, chaos reigns there.
Il signor Tsung (solo dopo molti anni re Edoardo l’avrebbe nominato Cavaliere dell’Ordine dell’Impero britannico) non diede a vedere di avere in mente un programma particolare;
Young Mr. Tsung (that was years, of course, before King Edward made him a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire) never revealed if he had any target in mind;
Il panorama infinitamente affollato della storia scritta, con i suoi imperi e i suoi re, i suoi trionfi e le sue tragedie, occupava a malapena un millesimo di questo spaventoso intervallo di tempo.
The infinitely crowded panorama of written history, with its empires and its kings, its triumphs and its tragedies, covered barely one thousandth of this appalling span of time.
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