Traduction de "que tales hombres eran" à anglaise
Que tales hombres eran
Exemples de traduction
Julio César y Pompeyo negándose a compartir el Imperio Romano; Napoleón, al principio un sincero defensor de su país y luego un insaciable conquistador: tales hombres eran los antepasados espirituales de Enro, que no estaba dispuesto a compartir la galaxia.
Julius Caesar and Pompey refusing to share the Reman Empire, Napoleon, first an honest defender of his country then a restless conqueror-such men were the spiritual forebears of Enro, who would not share the galaxy.
Al menos la mitad de los nuestros estaban embotados por la bebida, pero tales hombres no faltaban nunca en las batallas, pues pocas cosas más logran imbuir a los guerreros del valor suficiente para lanzarse a la más terrible maniobra bélica, el asalto directo a un muro de escudos que aguarda.
At least half the men in that battle were fuddled by drink, but so men were at every battle for little else serves to give warriors the nerve to attempt that most terrifying of manoeuvres, the straightforward assault on a waiting shield-wall.
Tales hombres se sintieron naturalmente cautivados por las orgullosas miradas y el cuerpo alto y erguido de Wang el Tigre; admiraban sus silencios y sus cóleras repentinas; lo admiraban sobre todo porque no tenían nada que respetar en el viejo general, tan obeso que ni siquiera podía trepar a su caballo sino ayudado por dos hombres.
Such men were the more easily caught by the proud looks and the tall straight body of Wang the Tiger, and they admired his silences and his sudden angers and his ferocity, and they admired him the more because there was nothing now to worship in the fat old general who grew so fat he could not even climb his horse any more unless two men hoisted and heaved his legs over the saddle.
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