Traduction de "que son responsables" à anglaise
Que son responsables
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Aquellos que son responsables deben ser sancionados.
- = Police distribute flyers victims and tighten the search = - You do not follow the news on TV lately? Hebohnya incredible to those who are responsible must be penalized.
No tenemos los recursos para repetir grados y sentimos que poner a los chicos mayores en clases de menores es injusto hacia los maestros que son responsables por mantener el orden.
We don't have the resources to repeat grade levels, and we feel to place the older children in the younger classes is unfair to teachers who are responsible for maintaining order.
Aquellos que son responsables de conseguir.
Those who are responsible to get.
Es todo un honor trabajar con los dos tipos que son responsables de haberme hecho abogado.
It's just such an honor to be working with the two guys who are responsible for me becoming a lawyer.
Theo, con lo que sabes sobre lo que pasó en la pandilla, puedes condenar al bastardo que hizo todo esto, los que son responsables de matar a tus amigos.
Theo, with what you know about what happened in the gang, you can convict the bastard who did all this, the ones who are responsible for killing your friends.
Él se ha comprometido a erradicar a los criminales. que son responsables de este crimen.
He has vowed to root out the criminals who are responsible for this crime
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