Traduction de "que agarra la mano" à anglaise
Que agarra la mano
  • that grabs the hand
  • grasping the hand
Exemples de traduction
that grabs the hand
Susan le agarró la mano.
Susan grabbed her hand.
Una pixie le agarró la mano.
A pixie grabbed his hand.
Susan agarró su mano.
Susan grabbed his hand.
Julian le agarró la mano.
Julian grabbed her hand.
Keith le agarró la mano.
Keith grabbed her hand.
grasping the hand
—Brough le agarró la mano—.
Brough grasped his hand.
Vimes le agarró la mano.
Vimes grasped her hand.
Él se acercó a ella y le agarró la mano.
He reached out and grasped her hand.
Ella le agarró la mano y tiró con fuerza.
She grasped his hand and pulled.
—Alessia agarra la mano de Magda—.
Alessia grasps Magda’s hand. “Please.”
Él me agarró la mano como si fuera un cable de salvamento.
He grasped my hand, a lifeline.
Agarró la mano de Bodenland, como gesto de admiración.
He grasped Bodenland’s hand in admiration.
Estaba frente a ella y le agarró la mano.
He was standing directly in front of her and grasped her hand.
Le agarró la mano y se impulsó hacia arriba.
He grasped the hand and pulled himself up.
Le agarró la mano despacio. —No corras.
He slowly grasped her hand in his. “Don’t run.
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