Traduction de "presidente cuya" à anglaise
Presidente cuya
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Los jueces son destituidos de sus funciones por el Presidente, cuya decisión, no obstante, está sometida a la aprobación de una Comisión presidida por un magistrado procedente de un país del Commonwealth.
Judges were dismissed by the President, whose decision was, however, subject to the approval of a commission presided over by a judge from a Commonwealth country.
Dicho esto, África ha perdido un padre, decano de presidentes, cuya experiencia y capacidad diplomática echaremos mucho de menos.
Having said that, Africa has lost a father and dean of presidents, whose experience and diplomatic skills will be sorely missed.
La estructura del gobierno local estará integrada por: la asamblea de distrito con su presidente, cuya elección ha de ser aprobada por el Gobierno de Croacia, el consejo ejecutivo, los tribunales municipales y el tribunal de distrito.
Local government structure is to be composed of: the district assembly with its president whose election has to be approved by the Croatian Government, the executive council, the municipal courts and the district court.
El hecho de que en este momento la Junta tenga ante sí un texto de consenso recompensa los esfuerzos de las delegaciones por responder a las inquietudes generales y también del Presidente, cuya labor durante las semanas que antecedieron al período de sesiones facilitó la consecución de un consenso.
The fact that the Board now had before it a consensus text was a tribute to those delegations that had worked hard to meet the concerns of all, and also to the President, whose work in the weeks prior to the session had paved
Me complace representar a un Presidente cuya fuerza y pasión han forjado un programa de objetivos extraordinarios en materia de desarme y no proliferación.
I am honoured to represent a President whose drive and passion has shaped an extraordinary agenda of disarmament and non-proliferation goals.
nuestro presidente, cuya sabiduría nos dió refugio.
our president, whose wisdom has given us shelter.
"Mi sobrino es un alma de cántaro", pensó el clérigo, mirando al presidente, cuya cabeza desgreñada acentuaba el mal talante de su rostro moreno––.
"My nephew is a blockhead," thought the abbe as he looked at the president, whose rumpled hair added to the ill grace of his brown countenance.
La América blanca no toleraría a un presidente cuya legitimidad en el cargo hubiera sido respaldada por un negro, y en concreto como ése, que ni era un gran abogado ni un gran juez y que, durante su nombramiento, ya se había puesto en evidencia tanto por su mal genio como por sus bobadas.
White America would not tolerate a President whose legitimacy in office had been validated by a black man, and especially by a black man like that one, who was not much of a lawyer and not much of a judge and had seemed at his confirmation hearings to be composed entirely out of equal measures of bile and bullshit.
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