Traduction de "presentes eran" à anglaise
Presentes eran
Exemples de traduction
Bueno, según esto... los presentes eran tu hermano, su abogada y tres periodistas... dos mujeres y un hombre.
Well, according to this, those present were your brother, his attorney and three reporters, two women and a man.
Todos los oankali presentes eran ooloi.
All the Oankali present were ooloi.
Cuatro de los hombres presentes eran numidios.
The four other men present were Numidians.
Pasado y presente eran una mezcolanza tan grande para Valerian.
Past and present were such a jumble for Valerian.
present they were
Sin embargo, cuando estaba presente eran cautelosos.
But when he was present they were guarded nevertheless.
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