Traduction de "orden repetida" à anglaise
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A pesar de las órdenes repetidas del Gobierno de Transición, ex integrantes de las Fuerzas Armadas se negaron a evacuar los cuarteles de Camp Schiefflin, el centro propuesto de entrenamiento del nuevo ejército, donde vivían con sus familias.
Despite repeated orders from the Transitional Government, former armed forces personnel also refused to vacate the Camp Schiefflin barracks, the proposed training site for the new army, where they were residing with their families.
Los miembros del Ejército de Serbia están obligados a negarse a ejecutar una orden repetida, sobre todo una orden de un superior cuya ejecución implicaría la comisión de un delito penal, así como a informar inmediatamente a la autoridad superior de la persona que hubiera dado la orden ilícita o a otro órgano competente si se dictara de nuevo una orden ilícita (art. 34, párr. 1, incisos 4, 6 y 7).
A member of the Army of Serbia shall be obliged to refuse to execute a repeated order, mainly an order by the superior or by a senior officer the execution of which would mean committing of a criminal offence, as well as to inform immediately the person superior to the person who had issued an unlawful order or other competent body in case an unlawful order is issued again (art. 13, para. 1, points 4, 6, 7).
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