Traduction de "noble cabeza" à anglaise
Noble cabeza
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Exemples de traduction
Hay testigos que juran que una aureolo de fuego azul chisporroteaba sobre esa noble cabeza cuando el gran pintor irrumpió en esa galería.
There are witnesses who swear that an aureole of blue flame... sizzled about that noble head... as the great painter burst into the picture gallery.
De cerebro gigante y noble cabeza
With a giant brain and a noble head
Su noble cabeza rodaba de un lado a otro.
His noble head was rolling from side to side.
El rey Mannach inclinó su noble cabeza.
King Mannach inclined his noble head.
Alzaban orgullosamente sus nobles cabezas por encima de los cadáveres de sus compañeros.
They raised proudly their noble heads above the corpses of their slain companions.
Incluso a aquella distancia no se podía equivocar con su altanero aspecto y noble cabeza.
Even at that distance there was no mistaking the ramrod stance and the noble head.
En cuatro ocasiones se atascó la noble cabeza sin que el espacio fuera suficiente.
Four times in all that noble head jammed before the space was wide enough.
Estrella Negra se mostró sorprendido y, alzando la noble cabeza, miró.
Black Star started and swept up his noble head and looked.
Moses Gama alzó su noble cabeza para mirar a su hermano mayor.
Moses Gama raised his noble head and looked across the fire at his elder brother.
Se colocó en actitud majestuosa detrás de ella, levantó su noble cabeza y se incrustó en ella.
Then he squatted in a regal pose behind her, raised his noble head, and thrust himself against her.
Percha-Prisma sacó de inmediato un pañuelo de seda azul y lo puso sobre la irritada y noble cabeza.
       Perch-Prism produced a blue silk handkerchief at once and draped it over the peeved and noble head.
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