Traduction de "menos de un tercio" à anglaise
Menos de un tercio
  • less than a third
Exemples de traduction
less than a third
Protogen representa menos de un tercio del uno por ciento de nuestros ingresos.
Protogen represents less than a third of one percent of our revenue.
Le dieron menos de un tercio del valor, ni siquiera lo suficiente como para pagar la hipoteca.
They gave him less than a third of the value, not even enough to pay off the mortgage.
¿Sabes que el 90% del país cree en fantasmas y menos de un tercio en la evolución?
Ninety percent of the country believes in ghosts... less than a third in evolution.
El 1 2%, menos de un tercio, dijo que el asunto cambiaría su voto.
12%, less than a third, said the issue would swing their vote.
Descubrieron que un oficial tenía menos de un tercio de segundo para decidir si usaba su arma.
It found that an officer has less than a third of a second to decide whether to use his gun.
Poseen menos de un tercio de esos parques.
They own less than a third of those parks.
Eso es menos de un tercio de su guarnición. ¿Por qué ellos...?
That's less than a third of their full garrison. Why would they...
Yo sólo recibí una parte de esa dote, menos de un tercio, ¿y ahora debo aportar los dos tercios que nunca recibí?
I have only received a portion of that dowry, less than a third, and somehow now I am to produce the two-thirds I have never received?
Nuestras bajas son menos de un tercio.
Our losses are less than a third of that.
Menos de un tercio de las tropas que la ONU tenía en el puesto de avanzada.
Less than a third of the UN troops at their outpost.
Amai tenía veinte años, menos de un tercio de la edad de Laia.
Amai was twenty, less than a third of Laia’s age.
Había conducido a setecientos hombres contra una tropa de menos de un tercio.
He had brought seven hundred against less than a third as many.
—Seis de diecinueve es menos de un tercio —indicó Coulter mientras masticaba.
“Six of nineteen is less than a third,” Coulter pointed out while chewing.
Menos de un tercio consiguieron llegar a alta mar con las tripulaciones diezmadas.
Less than a third of them managed to escape out to sea, with greatly reduced crews.
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