Traduction de "marchar en fila" à anglaise
Marchar en fila
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Después corríamos a nuestras aulas, donde nos aprestábamos a marchar en fila hacia el auditorio, para las oraciones de la tarde.
We would then run back to our classes, where we prepared to file into the auditorium for evening prayers.
Pero al marchar en fila este método resultaba poco atrayente, pues las ramas apartadas solían volver a su sitio como un latigazo, golpeando a quien caminara detrás.
Moving in file, they found this method less attractive, since branches were apt to whip back and catch the man behind.
Los lugareños de Coal, que antes ni siquiera nos habían mirado, giraban la cabeza como lechuzas al vernos marchar en fila india y a punta de pistola.
Though the denizens of Coal hadn’t given us a second glance when we’d come through town earlier, now their heads swiveled like owls as we trudged by in single file, at gunpoint.
Ahora Gail se había adelantado y nos guiaba en su cabalgadura alazana, con la hermosa crin plateada y Hillary quedó demorado, un poco detrás de mí. Me alegré de marchar en fila.
Now Gail rode ahead, leading the way on her golden, silver-maned beauty, and Hillary dropped back just behind me. I was glad for single file.
Ante todo comenzarán por buscar el paso que hemos utilizado nosotros, y este no será tan ancho que les permita a todos avanzar al mismo tiempo. Se verán obligados a marchar en fila india, y podremos fusilarlos sin dificultad.
- They'll have to look for the first coast that we have crossed, and that will not be large enough to allow them to advance all together. They will be forced to come forward in single file, and we will have plenty of time to shoot them one after the other.
Nos ataron juntos como a animales —Tudro se frotó el cuello, donde seguía teniendo la marca de las quemaduras de la cuerda— y nos hicieron marchar en fila en la retaguardia del ejército, tragando polvo y pisando boñigas de mula a cada paso.
Tethered together like animals’ – Tudrus rubbed at his neck, which was still marked by rope burns – ‘we were marched in files at the army’s rear, swallowing its dust and treading in mule shit with every pace.
Sabían marchar en fila sin distanciarse, sabían desaparecer a una señal en los huecos de los caminos, detrás de las piedras, detrás de los troncos, sabían hacer fuego juntos y detenerse al mismo tiempo, sabían vivir en grupo.
They had learned how to march in single file, letting no one fall behind; they had learned how to vanish at a signal, disappearing into foxholes, behind rocks and tree trunks, they knew how to fire in unison and how to cease firing, they knew how to work as a team.
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