Traduction de "los alcanzaron" à anglaise
Los alcanzaron
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Por el camino, las carretas lo alcanzaron.
The caravans overtook him on the way.
Lo siguieron durante un rato y luego lo alcanzaron.
They followed him for a while and then they overtook him.
Alcanzaron a una carreta de bueyes que llevaba su misma dirección.
They overtook an ox-car heading as they were headed.
Alcanzaron a Albert y Harrison luchó por dominar su montura.
They overtook Albert and Harrison struggled to get his mount in hand.
La batalla se intensificó contra Saúl, y los arqueros lo alcanzaron con sus flechas.
The fighting grew fierce around Saul, and when the archers overtook him, they wounded him critically.
No estábamos ni a tres metros sobre el suelo cuando los jo-oos nos alcanzaron, en la linde de un bosque.
We were not ten feet above the ground when they overtook us, and at the edge of a forest.
y los alcanzaron y les dieron muerte antes de que pudieran hacerle daño, pero Nienor escapó.
and they overtook the Orcs and slew them ere they could harm her, but Nienor escaped them.
Mablung y sus compañeros alcanzaron en seguida a los Orcos matándolos a todos, y siguieron adelante.
The Orcs indeed Mablung and his companions swiftly overtook, and they slew them one and all, and hastened on.
No solamente me alcanzaron esos lamentos, sino que resonaron hasta en la galería, haciendo salir de ella al capitán Giles.
This clamour not only overtook me, but went ahead as it were on to the verandah and brought out Captain Giles.
Estaban ya muy arriba en la montaña cuando alcanzaron al hombre que viajaba en compañía de las dos mujeres de sayas coloradas.
They were already well up the mountain when they overtook the man with the red beard and the two women in scarlet petticoats.
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