Traduction de "liquidarlos" à anglaise
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liquidate them
   - Lafe, ¿no hubiera sido más humanitario simplemente liquidarlos?
Lafe, wouldn't it have been kinder to have liquidated them?
Los animales confían en ella, pero ella emplea esa confianza para liquidarlos.
Animals trust her, and she uses that trust to liquidate them.
Los compadecía como seres humanos aunque fuese necesario liquidarlos.
He was sorry for them as human beings if it should be necessary to liquidate them.
Según él, la policía tiene una máquina para atrapar demonios y liquidarlos.
He said the police had a machine for catching devils and liquidating them.
El único punto aún por decidir en su mente era si liquidarlos a todos ellos, o simplemente esterilizarlos.
The only point left undecided in his mind was whether to liquidate them all, or simply to sterilize them.
Stalin había sufrido un ataque al corazón y había sido rematado por su propio Politburó, cuando se disponía a liquidarlos a todos;
Stalin had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and had probably been finished off by his own Politburo as he prepared to liquidate them all;
Jamás serán excesivas las medidas que se tomen para liquidarlos'. Me dieron ganas de subrayar yo esta última frase, tan invitadora a las liquidaciones que en efecto se siguieron, pero me abstuve, al fin y al cabo eran tomos de Peter y no era previsible que yo volviera a consultarlos nunca más en la vida, tras aquella noche de rara vigilia impremeditada.
No measures taken to liquidate them can ever be too extreme.’ I felt like underlining that last sentence, such an open invitation to the liquidations that did in fact follow, but I refrained from doing so, after all, the books belonged to Peter, and I was unlikely to consult them ever again, after that night of strange, unforeseen wakefulness.
Mejora de la gestión no cuantificable, puesto que la MINURCAT está en proceso de reducir gradualmente sus operaciones y después liquidarlas
Not quantifiable management improvement since MINURCAT is undergoing a drawdown and subsequent to that, liquidation of its operations
Desde la primavera de 2002, las llamadas autoridades de Transnistria han adoptado una serie de medidas destinadas a perturbar el funcionamiento de estas instituciones e incluso a liquidarlas o "evacuarlas".
As of spring 2002 the so-called transdniestrian authorities have undertaken a number of actions aiming at jeopardizing the activity and even liquidation or "evacuation" of these institutions.
En cambio, en el de las empresas insolventes habría que amortizar, convertir o reorganizar la deuda y, en los casos en que no pudiera restablecerse la solvencia por estos medios, liquidarlas.
Insolvent firms, on the other hand, would require debt write-downs and conversions, reorganizations and, where solvency cannot be restored through such means, liquidation.
Modelo para reducir el tamaño de las misiones, o liquidarlas, incluida la colocación del personal
Model for downsizing/liquidating missions, including the placement of staff
Si la finalidad del racismo es la explotación de un grupo particular, ¿por qué liquidarlo?
If the aim of racism was the exploitation of a particular group, why liquidate it?
Al respecto, se sugirió también que se estableciera un nexo explícito entre el volumen o la importancia de la masa y la finalidad del procedimiento (es decir, la de reorganizar la empresa en vez de liquidarla).
In that connection, it was also suggested that an explicit link might be established between the scope of the estate and the purpose of the proceeding (i.e. reorganization as opposed to liquidation).
:: Reestructurar los centros de información de las Naciones Unidas en cada una de las regiones con miras a integrarlos, fusionarlos o liquidarlos
:: Restructuring United Nations information centres on a region-by-region basis with a view to consolidation, merger or liquidation
Pegasus va a comprar el hospital para poder liquidarlo.
Pegasus is buying the hospital so they can liquidate it.
- quiero liquidarlo ahora. - Ciao.
- I want you to liquidate it now.
¿O voy allá a liquidarlo?
Or go beyond to liquidate it?
No es para liquidarla, quiero que se vuelva lucrativa.
It's not a liquidation. I'm gonna turn it around.
Dile a Berlin que me vi forzado a liquidarla.
Tell Berlin I was forced to liquidate.
Tengo que liquidarlo.
I have to liquidate him.
Necesito que empieces a liquidarlo todo.
I need you to start liquidating everything.
¿Vamos a liquidarla?
Are we still going for liquidation?
—¿Por qué iban a liquidarle?
“Why were they going to liquidate you?”
¡He decidido liquidarlo!
I’ve decided on his physical liquidation!”
O quizá nos limitemos a liquidarla.
Or maybe we’ll just liquidate.”
Se olía en el viento que iban a liquidarle.
It was in the wind that he would be liquidated.
La CIA sabía que la tenía, así que decidieron liquidarlo.
The CIA knew he had it, so they decided to liquidate him.
Se vio forzado a liquidarlo todo para cubrir sus deudas.
He was forced to liquidate lock, stock, and barrel to cover his debts.
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