Traduction de "la mano temblaba" à anglaise
La mano temblaba
Exemples de traduction
the hand was shaking
Su mano temblaba, sin que se pudiera controlar.
Her hands were shaking uncontrollably.
Estaba en el último número, pero ahora mi mano temblaba.
I was on the final numeral, but now my hand was shaking.
Donde antes su mano temblaba, ahora está perfectamente quieta.
Where before this hand was shaking, it is now deadly calm.
Por lo menos su intención fue ser pausado, pero su mano temblaba.
He meant it to be leisurely, at least, but his hand was shaking.
Dientenegro alzó el arma del cardenal, pero su mano temblaba.
Blacktooth raised the cardinal’s weapon, but his hand was shaking badly.
Entró, el arma de su mano temblaba por causa de la tensión.
    He went into it, his hand-weapon shaking with the tension in him.
—exclamó—. De todas las podridas, miserables, terribles... Su mano temblaba.
he cried. “Of all the rotten, miserable, terrible-” His hand was shaking.
Su mano temblaba, pero sabía que había tomado ese cuchillo por propia voluntad.
Her hand was shaking, but she knew that she took the knife of her own will.
Observé que su mano temblaba un poco cuando la extendió para alcanzar su copa.
I noticed that his own hand was shaking a little as he stretched it out to his glass.
su mano temblaba, observó él, en un pseudo-Parkinson—. Nada.
her hand trembled, he noticed, in an almost pseudo Parkinsonism. 'Nothing.
Su mano temblaba mientras se llevaba el cigarrillo a los labios—.
Her hand trembled as she lifted the cigarette to her lips.
Su mano temblaba tanto que Ad tenía que sostenerle el vaso junto a la boca.
His hand trembled so that Ad had to hold the glass to his mouth.
El hombre bajo sacó una cerilla para encender su cigarrillo. Su mano temblaba.
The short man struck a match to light a cigarette. His hand trembled.
Al acercar la llama al extremo del puro, notó con enojo que su mano temblaba.
As he held the flame to the tip of the cigar, he was annoyed to see that his hand trembled.
Su mano temblaba tan violentamente que tuvo que dejar a un lado su copa de plata.
His hand trembled so violently that he had to put down his silver cup.
El director no sabía adónde mirar y su mano temblaba mientras encendía un cigarrillo.
The Chief didn’t know where to look, and his hand trembled as he lit a cigarette.
Alguien vio que había alzado el cuchillo, pero que su mano temblaba como si estuviera luchando contra el arma.
He had raised his knife, it was reported, but his hand trembled, as if he was fighting against it.
Y así lo hice, pero mi mano temblaba tanto que frecuentemente tenía que borrar y volver a delinear.
So I did, though my hand trembled so that I had often to rub out and redraw a line.
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