Traduction de "ilustre familia" à anglaise
Ilustre familia
Exemples de traduction
Y para eliminar el estigma de mi ilustre familia!
And to eliminate the stigma on my illustrious family!
En una de las más antiguas e ilustres familias de Inglaterra...
"into one of the oldest and most illustrious families "in all England...
Es un gran placer darle la bienvenida a mi corte a su ilustre familia.
It is my great pleasure to welcome to my court another of your illustrious family. Thank you.
- Esta es mi ilustre familia.
- This is my illustrious family.
Haz posible que yo pueda ser de alguna ayuda a mi ilustre familia a partir de ahora... aunque sea sólo una mujer.
Make it possible for me to be of assistance to my illustrious family from now on... even though I'm only a woman.
Me ha dicho por dos veces que estamos bien en Turín y que la ilustre familia de Luynes ha ganado el favor de su primo, el Rey de Francia.
He told me twice we are well in Turin And that the illustrious family of Luynes has won the favor of his cousin, King of France.
Señora, en esta noche su corazón debe estar desbordado de orgullo por los logros de su ilustre familia.
Madam, on this night your heart must be overflowing with pride at the achievements of your illustrious family.
Estais aquí, porque pasasteis con éxito, uno de los requisitos para convertirse en miembro de la ilustre familia de Goldie.
You are all here because you have successfully passed one of the requirements to become a member of Goldie's illustrious family,
¿Has olvidado que eres el hijo de una ilustre familia?
Have you forgotten that you're the son of an illustrious family?
Su ilustre familia… tíos, abuelos, primos, matriarcas, señores de la guerra.
Her illustrious family... uncles, grandfathers, cousins, matriarchs, warlords.
Sólo había una cosa de la que había carecido Beatrice y su ilustre familia: dinero.
There had been only one thing Beatrice and her illustrious family lacked money.
Hacia el final, pudo leer: «Profundamente oprimida por Sogamori y su clan está la ilustre familia de los Muratomo.
Towards the end he read, "Most sorely oppressed by Sogamori and his clan is the illustrious family of Muratomo.
Ese pequeño y grasiento griego debería estar deseando ofrecer un porcentaje de sus ganancias a cambio del patrocinio y protección de una ilustre familia.
“That oily little Greek ought to be willing to come across with a percentage in return for the patronage of an illustrious family.”
Puesto que su ilustre familia era un fruto de la educación misionera, los misioneros tal vez esperaban que elogiase a las misiones.
Since his illustrious family was a product of missionary education, the bishops may have expected him to commend missions.
Si se me permite la audacia de decirlo, señor, creo que he prestado algún servicio a la ilustre familia de usted.
If I may make bold to say so, sir, I hold myself to have been of some service to your illustrious family.
Por cierto, he olvidado preguntarle a qué se dedica usted, o su ilustre familia, ya que aquí todo el mundo saca a relucir sus orígenes familiares.
By the way, I forgot to ask about your line of business – or your illustrious family, as the people here have made such a point of bringing up their family background.
A mediados de los ochenta volvió a dar fiestas en su casa, pero la mayoría de asistentes eran muy parecidos a él: pasaban de la mediana edad y lo habían perdido casi todo, salvo los recuerdos de sus otrora ilustres familias.
In the mid-eighties, he began to throw parties at his home again. But most of the partygoers were more or less like him – no longer young, and impoverished in every way except in their memories of their once illustrious family.
William Ireland experimentó extrañísimas sensaciones al entrar en la casa en la que se suponía que había nacido William Shakespeare, detenerse en una estancia que habría recorrido miles de veces y ver en la cara del carnicero algunas facciones de la ilustre familia.
It was for William Ireland the strangest sensation—to be in the house where William Shakespeare was reputed to be born, to be sitting in a room through which he had walked a thousand times, to see in the face of this butcher some lineaments of his illustrious family.
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