Traduction de "gloriosamente" à anglaise
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Las grandes figuras que han colocado hitos en la historia contemporánea son las figuras que negaron a sus pueblos la libertad o la conquistaron gloriosamente, aun a costa de sus propias vidas.
The great figures that left their mark on contemporary history are those who denied freedom to their nations or achieved it gloriously, sometimes at the cost of their own lives.
Fueron testigos de los acontecimientos, y su sincero y honesto testimonio quedará gloriosamente registrado en la historia para que lo estudien las generaciones venideras.
They were witnesses to what happened, and their sincere and honest testimony will be gloriously recorded in history to be reviewed by succeeding generations.
El contingente tiene 10.000 integrantes debidamente entrenados y equipados y lleva el nombre de un joven norteamericano, Henry Reeve, caído gloriosamente en 1873 en los campos de Cuba con el grado de General de nuestro ejército libertador.
The brigade is composed of 10,000 members who are appropriately trained and equipped, and it bears the name of a young American, Henry Reeve, who gloriously laid down his life in 1873 in the Cuban countryside as a general in our liberation army.
Aquí arriba esta gloriosamente vacío.
Gloriously empty up here.
La deliciosamente cruel y gloriosamente embaucadora Eve.
The delightfully cruel and gloriously deceiving Eve.
Está gloriosamente encendida.
She's gloriously lit.
Su arte es gloriosamente femenino.
Her art is gloriously female.
Estoy gloriosamente vacío aquí arriba.
I am gloriously empty up here.
Usted estaba gloriosamente distraída, ¿no es cierto?
You were gloriously oblivious, weren't you?
Una mujer sola, gloriosamente sola.
A woman alone, gloriously alone.
La vida es tan gloriosamente improbable.
Life is so gloriously improbable.
Aniquilar... derrotar gloriosamente por la mano de Cece.
Smite-- defeat gloriously for Cece's hand.
Los otros morirán gloriosamente.
The others will die gloriously.
Gloriosamente preposthumano.
Gloriously pre-posthuman.
Está gloriosamente desnudo.
He is gloriously naked.
—¡Pero morimos gloriosamente, como héroes!
‘Then we die gloriously!’
consciente y gloriosamente feliz.
Consciously, gloriously happy.
Pero su voz estaba gloriosamente incólume.
But her voice was gloriously untouched.
Tengo una batalla en la que morir gloriosamente.
I’ve a battle to die gloriously in.’
Es algo glo… gloriosamente doloroso.
It’s glo … gloriously painful.
Salvo que éramos gloriosamente jóvenes.
We were gloriously young.
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