Traduction de "ganando control" à anglaise
Ganando control
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En lugar de apuntar a la capacidad militar de grupos armados y edificios concretos, los ataques aéreos y los bombardeos terrestres del Gobierno se han dirigido mayormente a pueblos y barrios en los que estaban ganando control los grupos armados, como Al-Mouwassalat, Myasser, Al-Sha'ar, Qadi Askar, Al-Maadi, Al-Sakhour y Masakin Hanano en Aleppo oriental, y Al-Sukkari, Al-Zabedia, Sayf al-Dawala, Jisr al-Haj, Al-Ansari al-Sharqi y Al-Kallasa.
Rather than targeting the military capabilities of specific armed groups and facilities, the Government's airstrikes and ground shelling have mostly targeted towns and neighbourhoods over which armed groups gained control, such as Al-Mouwassalat, Myasser, Al-Sha'ar, Qadi Askar, Al-Maadi, Al-Sakhour and Masakin Hanano in eastern Aleppo and Al-Sukkari, Al-Zabedia, Sayf al-Dawala, Jisr al-Haj, Al-Ansari al-Sharqi, and Al-Kallasa.
Más y más ella va ganando control de lo que la rodea, quizás incluso aprendiendo habilidades más alla de la caza de ardillas.
More and more she is gaining control of her surroundings, perhaps even learning skills beyond squirrel hunting.
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