Traduction de "fuimos" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Lo siento, fuimos descuidados.
Sorry, we were being careless
Fuimos muy bondadosos.
We were being nice.
Fuimos nosotros mismos.
We could be ourselves.
Solo fuimos personas.
We were just being people.
Las dos fuimos usadas.
We're all being used.
Todos lo fuimos.
We all used to be.
Todos fuimos niños.
All of us used to be kids.
Fuimos viejos amigos.
We used to be old pals.
Que no fuimos idiotas.
That we weren't being stupid.
Fuimos muy cuidadosos.
We were being careful.
Descubrieron que nos fuimos.
They're coming. They found out we're gone.
Ya fuimos muy lejos, ¿entiendes?
Now, we've come this far, OK?
Fuimos forzados a venir aquí.
We were forced to come here.
Y no fuimos nosotros.
And it didn't come from us.
Fuimos tras el diamante.
I was gonna come soon as I got the diamond.
Vamos, amigos, nos fuimos.
Come on, y'all. We outie.
Y nos fuimos.
Come on, Leo.
¿Para qué fuimos, entonces?
Why did we come here?
¿Adónde fuimos hoy?".
Where're we coming from right now?"
- Fuimos al teatro.
- We just saw the play.
Fuímos más fuertes, pero no fuímos listos.
JERRI: We played stronger; we just didn't play smarter.
We were playing kickball.
Fuimos antes a jugar a básquet.
We went and played basketball early.
Fuimos donde el DJ.
Went to the deejay... "Hey, mate, play our record.
Fuimos a jugar, no a morir.
We went to play, not to die.
Fuimos rivales en secundaria.
We played against each other in high school.
Parece que fuimos engañados.
Looks like we got played.
Sí, fuimos allí para ensayar.
-They play in a barn
Fuimos muy discretas.
We played it so cool.
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