Traduction de "falta de vanidad" à anglaise
Falta de vanidad
Exemples de traduction
Lo que hace al Jefe tan irritante es su total falta de vanidad.
The thing that makes Boss so infuriating is his total lack of vanity.
–Tu virtud más sólida, santo varón, ha sido siempre tu deplorable falta de vanidad.
‘Your most endearing virtue, my holy man, has always been your painful lack of vanity.’ He moved on.
Nunca había notado ningún cambio, pero, dada su falta de vanidad, no pasaba mucho tiempo mirándose al espejo.
She'd never noticed any change, but then, her lack of vanity would have ensured that she didn't spend a great deal of time staring in mirrors.
Ichimei, de pie junto a la ventana, esperándola, con su inconmovible fortaleza interior, su falta de vanidad, su ternura y delicadeza, su expresión serena;
Ichimei, standing by the window waiting for her, with his unshakable inner strength, his lack of vanity, his tenderness and delicacy, his serene expression;
Su falta de vanidad, sus expresiones vulgares, el modo como trataba a los hombres como si fuese uno de ellos, y el hecho de que su casa no le preocupase un comino y de que llamase a su sirvienta Gladys, «Glad-eyes», eran algo vituperable.
Her lack of vanity, her slang, the way she treated men as though she was one of them, and the fact that she didn't care twopence about her house and called the servant Gladys "Glad-eyes,"
Al principio, mientras lo miraba, ella pensaba que estaba enfrascado en la admiración de sí mismo, y como consideraba que su falta de vanidad por su aspecto físico —las camisas con la pechera sucia de tinta, las chaquetas arrugadas y los bajos de los pantalones raídos— era en sí misma una forma de vanidad, que a ella le gustaba, aquello le pareció divertido.
At first, as she watched him, she thought that he was engaging in rank self-admiration, and since she considered his lack of vanity about his appearance—his ink-stained shirtfronts, rumpled jackets, and ragged trouser cuffs—to be itself a kind of vanity, one for which she loved him, she was amused.
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