Traduction de "exhumaron" à anglaise
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Se exhumaron los restos de 274 bosnios a los que actualmente se está tratando de identificar.
The remains of 274 Bosniaks were exhumed and are now undergoing identification.
Recientemente, se exhumaron 28 cadáveres en la región de Pec.
Recently, 28 remains were exhumed in the Pec region.
Se examinaron 75 presuntas sepulturas y se exhumaron 135 cadáveres
75 alleged grave sites examined and 135 bodies exhumed
Mientras tanto, en mayo se exhumaron los cadáveres de 11 personas de una fosa en Tawergha.
18. Meanwhile, the bodies of 11 people were exhumed in May from a grave in Tawergha.
Los investigadores exhumaron 4.019 cuerpos de los cuales 2.001 fueron identificados.
The investigators exhumed 4,019 bodies, out of which 2,001 were identified.
En otros dos lugares de Serbia se exhumaron por lo menos 78 restos.
At least 78 remains were exhumed from two other sites in Serbia.
En ese proceso se exhumaron 4.019 cadáveres, de los cuales se identificaron 2.001.
In this process, 4,019 bodies were exhumed, out of which 2,001 were identified.
En algunos casos las familias de las víctimas exhumaron los restos de presuntos parientes sin supervisión ni control oficial alguno.
In some cases, the victims' families exhumed the remains of presumed relatives without any official oversight or control.
Exhumaron 162 osamentas pertenecientes a hombres, mujeres y niños.
They exhumed 162 skeletons of men, women and children.
Por último, se exhumaron cuatro cadáveres que se confirmó eran los de Krishanthi, su madre, su hermano y el vecino.
Four bodies were finally exhumed and confirmed to be those of Krishanthi, her mother, brother and the neighbour.
He oído que exhumaron su cuerpo.
I heard they exhumed his body.
Cuando los noruegos exhumaron los cuerpos de su sobrina y su padre sus cajas estaban vacías.
When the Norwegians exhumed the body of your niece and her father... ... theircoffinswereempty.
Las autoridades locales exhumaron el cadáver.
The local authorities had the body exhumed.
Cuando exhumaron su cadáver la damisela brillaba como luciérnaga en una noche de verano.
And when her body was exhumed as you see, the dear little lady glowed like a lightning bug on a summer's evening.
Y a la luz de la muerte de Campbell, exhumaron el cuerpo de Helen Mitchell, y también encontraron una cantidad letal de arsénico en su sistema.
And in light of Campbell's death, they exhumed Helen Mitchell's body, and lethal amounts of arsenic were found in her system as well.
- Earl. - Entonces la exhumaron.
- Then they exhumed her.
Exhumaron el cuerpo de su marido.
They exhumed your husband's body.
¿Por qué crees que exhumaron el cuerpo?
Why, you think they exhumed a body?
—La exhumaron allí mismo. —¿Y luego?
—They exhumed her right then and there. —And then?
Cuando los exhumaron por primera vez, los 27 cuerpos estaban en buen estado de conservación.
When they were first exhumed, the twenty-seven bodies had been in a fine state of preservation.
Antes de la retirada, los alemanes exhumaron miles de cadáveres de las fosas comunes y los incineraron.
Before the Germans retreated they exhumed thousands of bodies from the mass graves and burned them.
En diversas tumbas que los arqueólogos exhumaron había enterrados personajes de la realeza con la boca llena de jade.
In tombs the archaeologists exhumed, royalty were buried with their mouths full of jade.
Cuando, al salir la luna la noche del tercer día, le exhumaron, no quería volver.
When, at moonrise on the evening of the third day, they had exhumed him, he had not wanted to come back.
Exhumaron los cuerpos de una pareja de benefactores para comprobar si los había matado, pero no pudieron probar nada.
They exhumed the bodies of a couple of his benefactors to see if he'd killed them, but they couldn't find anything.
No satisfechos con matar a todos los hombres, mujeres y niños, los victoriosos norteños exhumaron a todos los muertos de la región.
Not satisfied with killing every man, woman, and child, the victorious northerners exhumed all the dead of that district.
Dicen que la cantidad que ellos exhumaron varía entre ocho y diez mil —una terrible multitud— y que no desean exagerar.
They say the number they exhumed was somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000—1 multitude frightful in itself and which they have no desire to exaggerate.
La tierra aún estaba blanda, y con la ayuda de Kang exhumaron con delicadeza al indio, conteniendo la respiración al sacarlo del agujero.
The ground was still soft, and he and Kang gently exhumed Little Wind, holding their breaths as they pulled him out of the hole.
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