Traduction de "estar debilitado" à anglaise
Estar debilitado
Exemples de traduction
Están muy debilitados, ya que el grueso de sus fuerzas se han desperdigado.
They are very much weakened, the bulk of their forces having been disseminated.
Las ADF se han debilitado considerablemente, pero no han sido derrotadas.
ADF has been significantly weakened, but not defeated.
Ello ha debilitado su repercusión general.
This has weakened its overall impact.
Sin embargo, lentamente la posición de la mujer se ha debilitado.
The position of women has however slowly been weakened.
El funcionamiento del Estado debe ser fortalecido, no debilitado.
The State needs to be strengthened functionally, not weakened.
En muchos países, la clase media se ha visto debilitada.
The middle class in many countries is being weakened.
El medio ambiente mundial se ha debilitado.
The global environment has been weakened.
Somos débiles, y como tales hemos debilitado a la Secretaría.
And since we are weak, we have weakened the Secretariat.
La radiación ha debilitado el sistema inmunitario de la población.
Radiation has weakened people's immune systems.
Yo estaré debilitado por sentimientos, pero tú estás ciega.
I may be weakened by feelings, but you're blinded.
Su intensidad no aparece por estar debilitado.
Their intensity doesn't appear to be weakening.
¡Sus escudos también estar debilitados!
Their shields should be weakened as well!
Estará debilitado, y podemos completar eso... con el uso de... la máxima fuerza militar a la que podamos someterlo,... bombardeando, minando los puertos,... cortando sus líneas de comunicación,... avanzando y eliminando sus santuarios,... el enemigo no tendrá más opción... que llegar a algún acuerdo.
He would be weakened, and we could follow that up. Through the use of, uh, the maximum military force that we could bring to bear on him, through the bombing, through the mining of the harbors, through the cutting of his lines of communication, by moving in and cleaning out his sanctuaries, the enemy would have no choice... but to come to some accommodation.
Funciona, pero lo han debilitado.
It works, but they weakened it.
Algo se le había debilitado.
Something had weakened in him.
Su resolución no se había debilitado;
There was no weakening of his resolve;
—¿Se ha debilitado el vínculo?
“Has the bond weakened?”
Estaba ciego y debilitado.
I was blind and weakened.
El salón ya estaba debilitado.
The hall is already weakened.
La pelea me ha debilitado.
The fight has weakened me.
Pero los Oscurecidos no estaban debilitados.
The Endarkened, however, were not weakened.
Pero se había debilitado y marchitado.
But he had weakened, and declined.
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