Traduction de "está bien recordar son" à anglaise
Está bien recordar son
  • ok remember are
  • it is well to remember they are
Exemples de traduction
it is well to remember they are
Estaba bien recordar esas cosas en semejantes mañanas
It was well to remember these things on such mornings.
Me hace bien recordar que hay quienes me aborrecen.
It does me well to remember that there are those who abhor me.
Te haría bien recordar dónde te encuentras.
You would do well to remember where you are.
Estaba bien recordar que todo lo que hacía en aquellos momentos solo era parte de un plan mayor.
It was as well to remember that everything he did now was only part of that larger plan.
A Badim le gustaba verlos, y se le daba bien recordar sus nombres de un día para otro.
Badim liked seeing them, and did pretty well at remembering their names from one day to the next.
Son nuestras herramientas para comprender el mundo, pero siempre está bien recordar que sólo son un convenio con la realidad.
They are our tools for understanding the world, but it’s always well to remember they have only a nodding acquaintance with reality.
Y a usted le iría bien recordar que es el príncipe de este imperio y, por lo tanto, merece que se refieran a él con un tono más respetuoso.
And you would do well to remember that he is a prince of this empire and as such deserving of a deferent tone when you refer to him.
—Porque nos haría bien recordar que obramos dentro de Paradojas que a su vez obran dentro de otras Paradojas —dijo Ching—.
“Because,” said Robert Ching, “we do well to remember that we work within Paradoxes which work within other Paradoxes.
va bien recordar lo misterioso de las declaraciones con las que respondemos a los estímulos de las obras literarias y el carácter principalmente sugerente de la lengua en la que están escritas estas obras, siempre que podamos vemos tentados a caracterizar de «absurdas», «tonterías» o «galimatías» un texto nuevo de aspecto extravagante que no nos despierte respuesta alguna.
it is well to remember the mysteriousness of the states with which we respond to the stimulus of works of literature and the primarily suggestive character of the language in which these works are written, on any occasion when we may be tempted to characterize as ‘nonsense’, ‘balderdash’ or ‘gibberish’ some new and outlandish-looking piece of writing to which we do not happen to respond.
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