Traduction de "ese es el tema" à anglaise
Ese es el tema
  • that's the subject
  • that is the issue
Exemples de traduction
that is the issue
Tema No. 9.
Issue No. 9.
Tema No. 23.
Issue No. 23.
Tema No. 24.
Issue No. 24.
Tema No. 28.
Issue No. 28.
Tema No. 14.
Issue No. 14.
Tema No. 1.
Issue No. 1.
No, en este tema, no.
Not on this issue, no.
Era un tema secundario.
This was a side issue.
El tema son… las fogatas.
And that issue is…bonfires.
Ese era un viejo tema.
This was an old issue.
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