Traduction de "es que esto era" à anglaise
Es que esto era
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Pero lo más duro es que esto era de alguna manera inevitable.
But the one thought that hits the hardest is that this was somehow inevitable;
- Lo que nos están diciendo es que esto era tecnología extraterrestre.
What we're being told is that this was extraterrestrial technology. Did the power and authority of the world's great kings come from mortal deeds?
En las antiguas hazañas indias, lo que nos cuentan es que esto era una tecnología de los dioses, que esto era una tecnología extraterrestre que se usaba, o al menos se podía usar en la Tierra, y que podría
In the case of the ancient Indian epics, what we're being told is that this was technology of the gods, that this was extraterrestrial technology which was somehow used or at least could be used on planet Earth and which could
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