Traduction de "es justificable es" à anglaise
Es justificable es
Exemples de traduction
b) La condición, requisito o práctica no es justificable en las circunstancias; y
(b) The condition, requirement or practice is not justifiable in the circumstances; and
No observamos ninguna desviación justificable en el caso que nos ocupa.
We do not see any justifiable departure in the present case.
Se puede distinguir, entonces, entre tratos justificables y no justificables que ocasionan graves padecimientos.
It follows that one may distinguish between justifiable and non-justifiable treatment causing severe suffering.
No hay terrorismo bueno ni justificable.
Terrorism cannot be good or justifiable.
Por consiguiente, la disposición no era razonable ni justificable.
The provision was not reasonable, nor justifiable.
El terrorismo nunca es justificable.
69. Terrorism could never be justified.
Esa petición es lógica, razonable y justificable.
This demand is logical, reasonable and justifiable.
49. De ese total, se dictaminó que 471 casos de coerción eran justificables, y los 22 restantes no lo eran (en 1995 se dictaminó también que 22 casos no eran justificables).
49. Of the total number, 471 cases involving forms of coercion were evaluated as justifiable, whereas the remaining 22 were not (in 1995 also 22 were not determined as justifiable).
51. El Sr. AHMED sugiere utilizar "justificable" e "injustificable".
51. Mr. AHMED suggested using "justifiable" and "unjustifiable".
Por eso, no se consideró justificable adoptar una suma de referencia más baja.
Thus, it was not considered justifiable to adopt a lower reference sum.
No es justificable, pero es comprensible.
It isn't justifiable, but it is understandable.
¿Son justificables alguna vez?
Is It Ever Justifiable?
En fin, esas cosas son justificables.
Well, these things are justifiable.
La militancia moralmente justificable.
Morally justifiable militancy.
–¿Es que no es justificable de ningún modo?
Wouldnt it ever be justified?
Y que ciertos asesinatos eran justificables.
And that some murders were justifiable.
Pero romper las reglas era necesario y justificable.
But it was a necessary and justifiable bending of the rules.
Si era justificable matar por la Iglesia en aquel tiempo, debe ser igualmente justificable matar por la Iglesia en otras épocas.
If it was justifiable to kill for the Church at that time, it must be equally justifiable to kill for the Church at other times.
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