Traduction de "eran tan ricos" à anglaise
Eran tan ricos
  • they were so rich
Exemples de traduction
they were so rich
—Si eran tan ricos —preguntó Nailer—, ¿por qué construirían donde sabían que terminarían ahogándose? —Yo qué sé.
“If they were so rich,” Nailer asked, “why did they build where they were going to get drowned?” “Hell if I know.
Todos, incluyendo a las mujeres, parecían acarrear algo, ya fueran sacos de aspecto pesado, picos y palas, cubos de agua, brazadas de leña… Si eran tan ricos, ¿por qué vivían en semejante pobreza?
Everyone, including the women, seemed to be carrying something— heavy sacks, or shovels and picks, buckets of water, armloads of firewood. If they were so rich, why did they live so poorly?
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