Traduction de "encontrando difícil" à anglaise
Encontrando difícil
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Lo que estoy encontrando difícil es que tomé una vida humana hoy, y todavía no puedo encontrar una sola parte de mí que se sienta mal por eso.
That's not the problem, lieutenant. What I am finding difficult, is that I took a human life today, and I still can't locate a single part of me that feels bad about it.
finding it difficult
A pesar de que las mujeres disfrutan de iguales oportunidades en la educación, muchas de ellas siguen encontrando difícil permanecer en el mercado de trabajo durante el nacimiento y la crianza de los hijos y para conciliar las responsabilidades familiares y laborales.
Notwithstanding the fact that women enjoy equal opportunities in education, many of them still find it difficult to remain in the labour market during child-bearing and nurturing, and to reconcile work and family responsibilities.
Si no se realizan ajustes para atender esas realidades, los países como la India seguirán encontrando difícil adherirse al marco jurídico actual.
Without adjustments to deal with such realities, countries such as India would continue to find it difficult to accede to the present legal framework.
Hasta que se hagan los ajustes necesarios a la Convención de 1951 y el Protocolo de 1967 para ocuparse de las corrientes masivas de refugiados y la migración mixta, el Gobierno de la India seguirá encontrando difícil adherirse al marco jurídico existente.
40. Until the necessary adjustments were made to the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol to address massive refugee flows and mixed migration, his Government would continue to find it difficult to accede to the existing legal framework.
—Sí, pero lo están encontrando difícil, señor.
“Yes, well, they’re finding it difficult, sir.
—Sigo encontrando difícil de creer que corrieran este riesgo. —¿Qué riesgo?
'I still find it difficult to believe they'd take the risk,' I said. 'What risk?
—Le garantizo, milord, que el señor Swift no es tímido. El es... —se detuvo encontrando difícil transformar sus ideas en palabras.
"I assure you, my lord, Mr. Swift is not shy. He's— " She paused, finding it difficult to put her thoughts into words.
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