Traduction de "ellos trataron" à anglaise
Ellos trataron
Exemples de traduction
Después fueron en el automóvil a un campo de caña de azúcar, donde trataron de abusar de ella.
They then drove to a sugarcane field and there they tried to abuse her.
Se informó de que los soldados trataron de quemar los cadáveres.
It was reported that the soldiers tried to burn the bodies.
Hicieron dos disparos al aire y luego trataron de huir.
They shot twice in the air and then tried to flee.
Las fuerzas de seguridad trataron de impedir la fuga y de defenderse.
The security forces tried to prevent the escape and to defend themselves.
A quienes trataron de huir los mataron a tiros.
Those who tried to escape were gunned down.
Los dos trataron de negarse, y fueron golpeados y pateados.
The two tried to refuse, and were beaten and kicked.
Algunos islamistas trataron de matar a las víctimas.
Islamists tried to kill the victims.
Trataron de raptar a dos jóvenes palestinos, sin lograrlo.
They unsuccessfully tried to kidnap two Palestinian youths.
Los apologistas trataron de persuadirnos de que la ideología del comunismo era benigna.
Apologists tried to persuade us that the ideology of Communism was benign.
Lo golpearon y trataron de conseguir que blasfemara contra su religión.
They beat him and tried to make him insult his religion.
¡Ellos trataron de matarte!
They tried to kill you!
- Ellos trataron de asesinarnos.
They tried to murder us.
Ellos trataron de engañarnos!
They tried to trick us!
Ellas trataron de decirme.
They tried telling me.
Ellos trataron de matarla.
- They tried to kill her.
Quiero decir, ellos trataron ...
I mean, they tried...
Ellos trataron de sacrificarla.
They tried to sacrifice her.
- Ellos trataron de matarlo.
- They tried to kill him.
Ellos trataron de matarme.
They tried to kill me.
Trataron de no mirarla.
They tried not to look at it.
y trataron de elogiar
and they tried to extoll
¡Trataron de asesinarte!
They tried to murder you!
Trataron de averiguarlo.
They tried to figure it out.
Los otros trataron de no sonreír.
The others tried not to smirk.
Trataron de atraparnos;
They tried to trap us;
Trataron de asesinarnos.
They tried to kill us.
Sí, trataron de impedírselo.
Oh, they tried to stop him.
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