Traduction de "ella a" à anglaise
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Y ella a mi:
And she to me:
Él a Puerto Real, ella a Filadelfia.
He to Port Royal, she to Philadelphia.
Yo le dije cosas y ella a mí me las dijo. ¿Quê importa eso?
I spoke them to her, and she to me. And what of it?
Y esta es ella a la izquierda con el pelo bonito tan intenso como podría verse.
And this is she to the left with the beautiful hair as intense as it might seem.
¿Qué derecho tiene ella a mirarte por encima del hombro?
What right has she to turn up her nose at you?
Así, presentare juramento a Kate, y ella a mí.
Then shall I swear to Kate, and she to me.
No, no lo hace, ni ella a él.
No, he does not, nor she to him.
Bien, ¿le ha sido infiel antes a su esposa o ella a usted?
Well, had you previously been unfaithful to your wife or she to you?
Traicionarla a ella, a sus amigos.
Betraying her, her friends.
Y con ella, a su chico.
With her, her lad.
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