Traduction de "durante toda su carrera" à anglaise
Durante toda su carrera
  • throughout his career
Exemples de traduction
throughout his career
Parece ser que el hombre ha sido un profesional del estilo durante toda su carrera.
It seems that the man's been a professional stylus-pusher throughout his career.
¿Por qué siguió trabajando para los rusos durante toda su carrera? —No lo hizo.
‘Why did he carry on working for the Russians throughout his career?’ ‘He didn’t.’
La creación o la supervivencia de los seres superiores es algo que preocupó a Burroughs durante toda su carrera.
The creation or maintenance of superior beings is something that preoccupied Burroughs throughout his career.
Filitov fue el único ayudante que permaneció con el fallecido ministro Ustinov durante toda su carrera, y allí se ha quedado desde entonces.
Filitov was the only aide who stayed with the late Minister Ustinov throughout his career, and he's hung on there ever since.
Durante el rodaje de La Venus rubia (y durante toda su carrera), Sternberg conservó su brillante aunque excéntrico sentido del perfeccionismo visual.
Throughout the filming of Blonde Venus (and throughout his career), Sternberg maintained his brilliant if eccentric sense of visual perfectionism.
Durante toda su carrera, llevó a cabo innumerables experimentos con aparatos relacionados con el vapor, e introdujo muchas piezas importantes.
Throughout his career, he carried out innumerable experiments with steam-related apparatus, and introduced many significant pieces of gadgetry.
Nunca había destacado en la escena literaria árabe de la época, algo que le amargó durante toda su carrera, pero se estaba volviendo un enemigo molesto e importante para las autoridades.
He had never gotten to the front rank of the contemporary Arab literary scene, a fact that galled him throughout his career; and yet from the government’s point of view, he was becoming an annoyingly important enemy.
Se disculpó por anticipado ante su septuagenario amigo y aliado de mucho tiempo, el retirado administrador cultural sij y celebrado horticultor Sardar Harbans Singh, que había apoyado a los bhand pather durante toda su carrera y, en su jubilación, había persuadido a sus jóvenes sucesores —que eran tan impacientes con las antiguas artes como los jóvenes de Pachigam— para que dieran a los viejos veteranos, de vez en cuando, alguna oportunidad.
He apologized in advance to his septuagenarian friend and longtime ally, the retired Sikh cultural administrator and celebrated horticulturalist Sardar Harbans Singh, who had supported the bhand pather throughout his career and, in retirement, had persuaded his young successors—who were as impatient with the old crafts as the youth of Pachigam—to give the old stagers the occasional break. “After tonight, Sardarji,”
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